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Support Center Guide
The Minecraft Education Support Center is your place to get support, connect with each other, and learn what is possible with Minecraft in the classroom. Use this guide to learn how to tap into the wealth of information available in the Support Center! Visit each topic below to learn more.
Support Center Guidelines
Before joining our Forums, review the Support Center Guidelines. These are the guidelines that we live by and it's important that you understand them as well. We'll wait while you go read them.
You're back? Great! Keep reading for everything you need to know about using our Support Center! And if you need support, scroll down a bit more to learn how to contact the team.
How do I find answers in the Support Center?
The Support Center combines a rich forum of seasoned and new users, as well as a variety of support articles written to help you get up and running with Minecraft Education and bring it into your classroom. Here are some actions to help you get started:
- Use the "Search" bar at the top right of the site to find answers quickly! The Search results return a list of relevant support articles and community posts that can answer many of the questions you have.
- Browse Knowledge Base articles by clicking on the "Get Setup" and "Learn to Teach" buttons on the home page.
- Click the "Support Forums" button to read posts from the community, and to add your own voice to the conversation.
- Click the "Help widget" in the bottom right for a quick search and option to create a support request.
How do I join the Support Center Forums?
All users are welcome to browse the Support Center for answers. If you would like to create new posts or reply to posts from others, you'll need to head up to the top right of the screen to sign in or create a profile - you can follow the instructions in the How to Setup an Account and Profile in the Support Center article.
How do I use the Support Center Forums?
Are you interested in learning more about how to teach with Minecraft Education, or are you learning how to play or experiencing a technical issue?
If you want to talk to other educators about best practices and questions around teaching, head to the Teacher's Lounge. Read through the posts for inspiration or post your own question, thought, or resource.
Are you trying to figure out how something works or have a technical issue? Our Support Forums and ticketing system are here to help!
Don't be shy! Your fellow educators thrive on new content. After searching to see if someone else has posted, press the big blue "New Post" button to start a new Post. Note that all posts and comments are reviewed by staff before published to the forums.
Type in your question/thought/resource/idea, and press "Submit"! The Category will be auto-populated based on which forum you are currently in, but you can change it if you think your post fits better in anther forum category. You'll notice after you submit, you will be automatically "Following" your post, and you'll receive an email if someone responds.
Did you find an interesting post that you might have an answer to or want to share your experience? Drop a comment underneath it. The poster will get notified and hopefully reply back to you soon!
You can see all of your past Posts, Comments, and Articles by clicking on your profile picture at the top of the page and selecting "My Profile".
We hope you don't just stop by the forums once - follow forums to get the latest updates!
Follow a Forum topic or post
When you are in a forum topic or reading a post you are interested in, press the "Follow" button. You can choose to follow new articles and posts, or new articles, posts, and comments.
Follow a Support Center Member
If you would like to be notified when a fellow Support Center Member posts, you can follow this user! You can click on the user name in a post they have created. On the user profile page, click Follow.
Follow an Article Page
If you are especially interested in a support article you see, you can follow the article to get alerted to any updates or comments added to the article. Click the Follow button at the top of the page.
How do I submit feedback?
We need your voice! Nobody knows Minecraft Education like you and your students.
Feedback is something you would like to see changed, improved, or done differently based on your own opinion. This is subjective data that often helps the product team understand the needs and wants of our players and helps prioritize potential work for future updates. Use the "Wishlist and Feedback" forum to post feedback for our product team.
We want you to feel comfortable and excited to:
- understand the roadmap of Minecraft Education
- review existing issues and wishlist items
- upvote posts you are passionate about, add new wishlist ideas
Be sure you check our Known Issues page before posting as the team may already be aware of the issue you want to report. Upvote any ideas you like in the "Wishlist and Feedback" forum to give our product team visibility and see the popularity of this item to the community.
When the team sees an item voted up to the top of the forum, they discuss the post and its comments to decide if it’s right for Minecraft Education, draw up a basic plan, decide when they can devote time to work on the idea, and at some point start to work on the feature. It's important to not duplicate a feature or wishlist - in fact we'll most likely delete duplicate ideas.