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Updates to the profile and badge experience
Minecraft Education has updated the profile experience as part of the evolution of our educator community. Profiles on both the Minecraft Education and Support Center sites are being impacted by this change. Currently no action is required on your part.
What has changed:
- As part of the transition to using Credly to grant badges, the following badges will be removed from profiles on Minecraft Education and Support Center: Certified, Expert Educator/Mentor, and Community.
- With the educator community moving to Facebook, we are removing the profile search experience on both our websites and making all individual profiles private. Any information you include on your profile will not be visible to others, and profile pages will not appear in our sitewide search or be accessible via a direct link. To search and connect with members, head over to Facebook to join the Teacher’s Lounge.
- All new profiles will be private by default.
- You can now search our site to find lessons from your favorite creators.
- Creator profiles will publicly display only a list of lessons by the creator.
What has not changed:
- You can still log into the Minecraft Education site to “favorite” lessons or submit a new lesson to our catalog.
- You can still click on Author Name on each lesson page to see all content available from that author.
- You can continue to find and connect with community members by going to the Teacher’s Lounge on Facebook.
- If you are a creator, your profile URL will not change.