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Dan Noble commented,
Hi GARGI TAVATIA, Please see my post in this thread from 17 days ago.
Dan Noble commented,
No problem! Let us know how you make out.
Dan Noble commented,
Hi Bryn Lewis Jones, I've certainly noted this myself behavior on Chromebook myself, however the installation file is about the same size as for 1.14. One thing to keep in mind is that Chromebook...
Dan Noble commented,
No problem! :)
Dan Noble commented,
Ok, no problem. You'll definitely need to type in that command: 1. Press T on your keyboard. 2. Type: /wb 3. Press enter. This will set worldbuilder to True and enable you to place and break blo...
Dan Noble commented,
Hi Anthony Sanchez Jr, have you entered the command /wb?
Dan Noble commented,
Penny would you be able to exchange our emails for us when you have a moment? Thanks!
Dan Noble commented,
I can have the admins exchange our emails, then you can email the world and I can take a look. Does that work for you?
Dan Noble commented,
A P, while Minecraft Education Edition is supported on Windows 7, I think my first recommendation would be to install Windows 10. Windows 7 is not longer supported and is not receiving security upd...
Dan Noble commented,
That's really weird. Do you have any command blocks set to summon npcs? I don't know if it would work in this specific instance, but you could try: /gamerule domobspawning false (turns off all mobs...