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Preview and Beta Test Scenarios
Thank you for helping us test our latest Preview and Beta builds! The time you spend on our public test environments is incredibly valuable to our team and helps us release higher quality products.
There are many areas of Minecraft Education to test on the latest Preview build. If you find any bugs or behaviors that don't seem right, please post in our beta feedback forum or open a ticket with the Support Team.
- Login
- Single sign on (from device) and Remember me
- Multiplayer
- Multiple devices with same account
- Multiplayer session with 10+ players
- On wifi
- Cross-platform
- Single platform
- Stop and start a new session
- Leave and re-join a session
- Cross network configuration joining
- Host on school network, but at-home joinee
- Host on home network, but in-school joinee
- Coding
- Open Codebuilder
- Block based – create a small program and run it
- Python – create a small program and run it
- Library
- Open library
- Browse library
- Create a new world
- Open an existing world
- Immersive reader
- Open the reader from any sign