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Unable to join world



  • Danny Support
    Beacon of Knowledge Bug Zapper Support

    Hey there!

    Sorry to hear you are running into some issues with Minecraft Education and multiplayer.

    Just wanted to confirm that all devices are on the most recent version of Minecraft Education? You mentioned 1.21.05 but the latest version is 1.21.06.


  • Alexandre Denis

    Hi, i confirm that all the devices are on 1.21.06, the problem started with 1.21.05 version in particular and still an issue with the 1.21.06.

    Thanks for your help

  • Danny Support
    Beacon of Knowledge Bug Zapper Support

    Hey there,

    Gotcha, thanks for the confirmation. Are the joining devices Macs by any chance?

  • Andrey Shorin

    We're having the same issue, with Mac devices, same client version 1.21.06 - Unable to connect to the world, tried a few things eliminating firewall as a potential issue - same outcome.

  • Alexandre Denis

    All the joining devices are HP and on windows 11.

  • Kaleb

    I have a step to try, please let us know how this works for you:
    - On the Mac host, open the Keychain access app on your Mac
    - Go to "passwords" and search for the "PF_Account_6955F" password
    - On the top bar select "View" and "Show Hidden Keys"
    - Delete both the "PF_Account_6955F" and "PF_Account_6955F_key" entries. 
    - These will be recreated the next time you open Minecraft Education

    You should now be able to relaunch Minecraft Education and access both the library and multiplayer games. If you still can't, a screenshot of what your keychain access looks like would help alot in further troubleshooting! 

  • Kaleb this fixed the issue for our entire faculty of 1300 students on MacBooks, old keychain, once removed no issues at all joining... this solution needs more attention! Many thanks for posting!

  • Cindie Chi

    Hi.  We have the same problem.  It's on the latest version of 1.21.06 but many students are getting this error message.  We have a mixture of different devices but we are all logging in with our DOE accounts.  We are using ipads, Chromebooks and Lenovos.  If you can help, that would be very helpful.  

  • Danny Support
    Beacon of Knowledge Bug Zapper Support

    Hey there,

    Sorry to hear you are running into some issues as well Cindie.

    Have things worked prior to 1.21.06?

    Could you screenshot the error message (without any personal info) please?

  • Lucy Benitez


    So, I'm a student, and my friends and I need to join a multiplayer world to complete a given task. We have the same issue. We just updated to the new version, and it won't let us join. We all use Macbooks. When we try to join worlds, it looks like this. It's getting quite frustrating and nothing we do seems to be working. I hope you can resolve this issue soon.

  • Cindie Chi

    Hi Danny, 

    I don't know when the update took place but we were fine in the spring.  This same message appeared in all of our devices: iPad, Chromebook and Lenovo.  I had the students log out and shut down their devices but they still  didn't work.

  • Alexandre Denis

    We figured out how to fix our problem by changing our PCs to an other sub-network.


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