If 2 or 3 students try to join a group, it kicks all players out of their world - FIXED
Hi, I am trying to run a group of 30 students - small groups of 3 and 4. Whenever more than 2 students try and join their world, it kicks all the players out.
Help please
FIXED: The solution was simpler than expected. On our iPads, go to Settings, find the app, and make sure 'Local Network' is enabled. Additionally, whitelisting a few Minecraft URLs resolved our connection issues. I'm surprised this simple fix wasn’t mentioned online!
Hey there!
Sorry to hear you are running into some issues hosting your world in Minecraft Education.
Just had a few questions to help us support you further:
1.) What device make / model and OS version of the host device are you on when you got this error?
2.) Are you on the latest version of Minecraft Education?
3.) Is this a home network or school network?
4.) Is this a commercial account or school managed account?
5.) Were you ever able to get more than 2 students in?
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FIXED - We faced numerous issues with students being unable to join each other's worlds or getting disconnected. After days of frustration, I found that the solution was simpler than expected. On our iPads, go to Settings, find the app, and make sure 'Local Network' is enabled. Additionally, whitelisting a few Minecraft URLs resolved our connection issues. I'm surprised this simple fix wasn’t mentioned online!
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I have been having this problem on and off for 2 years and have never found a solution. Could you please let me know which URLs you whitelisted?
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Hey there!
Oh sorry to hear! Yeah let's troubleshoot that for sure for you, feel free to reach out to the support team whenever you are having issues.
All the URLs you should need are found here: https://edusupport.minecraft.net/hc/en-us/articles/4404784181524-URLs-Used-by-Minecraft-Education
Are you having issues with Chromebooks? We do have some additional URLs that could help with Chromebook multiplayer connectivity.
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