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[URGENT] LAG/FPS Minecraft Education



  • Danny Support
    Beacon of Knowledge Bug Zapper Support

    Hey there,

    Sorry to hear you are running into some issues with performance with Minecraft Education.

    Do you know any others with this issue?

    Does it crash eventually every time you load Minecraft Education? Can you share an uncropped screenshot (without any personal info)? That does look like a rather strange error page.

    Is it server lag or FPS lag that you are feeling?

    Also, are you able to test from a different device / network to see if the issue replicates there?

  • VAX Marin

    Hi, no screenshots have been cropped or modified, it's the game that is in windowed mode so that it doesn't crash.

    I discovered the function that caused this:
    In the "Video" settings at the bottom, the option called "Best input response" caused this error, when disabling it in Education Edition it worked normally.

    They must fix this error, in Minecraft Bedrock having this option does not cause any crash, but in Education it overloaded my computer

  • Danny Support
    Beacon of Knowledge Bug Zapper Support

    Very odd! Glad you got things working for you again though. I have not seen that error message before.

    Thanks for sharing your fix as well in case anyone else runs into this.



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