Host unable to start error.
The Minecraft Education host cannot start.
The error is "P2P/SIG:no_session(Empty Auth from Discovery)".
▼Environment, status
Minecraft Education v1.20.12
ME app from Microsoft Store
Host and participant are the same organization.
Multiplayer was available during the day on Saturday, 9/16.
How we tried
1. restart Minecraft Edu
Restart PC
Reinstall Minecraft Edu
4.Start hosting with a different account
5.Start hosting on different devices (Windows x 3, iPhone, Mac)
6. Start hosting on a different network (3 lines)
All devices are version 1.20.12.
None of the errors improved. The error occurs in two patterns: either the above error occurs when the host is started, or the world opens when the host is started, but the above error occurs when trying to join the world.
How can I solve this problem?
Hey there,
Thanks for your report about P2P issues, sorry you are experiencing them. This is a larger issue that the team was looking into, should be resolved now. Please check here for updates:
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