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MInecraft comepletely reset me and now I can't join anyone



  • Danny Support
    Beacon of Knowledge Bug Zapper Support

    Hey there,

    Sorry to hear you are running into some issues.

    First off, I apologize for the confusion here. Minecraft Education does not support custom skins, mods, custom resource packs or texture packs in general. This helps keep Minecraft Education stable, as many of these mods aren't designed for Education. 

    Secondly, are you able to test if you and your friends can connect to one another on a different network? like a mobile hotspot or home wifi?


  • Ralph Tang

    Sorry I couldn't respond. I have tried several times on different networks. Also, skins seem to be working with minecraft edu. Addon's may not but my old addons have been kept throughout 1.17 through 1.19. Anyway thanks for at least trying to help. Appreciate it.

  • Danny Support
    Beacon of Knowledge Bug Zapper Support

    Hey Ralph, 

    Did you notice any different performance on the other networks?

    And yeah sure, no problem!

  • Lacey Mahony

    hello, whenever me or my friends join a world all together it says "trying to connect restart your client" the problem just started today and to multiple people and We all don't know what restart our client means we all have stable interent and all have the same generation of the app please help me 

  • Jule Leuschner

    Hey! I've got the same issue. I can't connect to my friend on Minecraft Edu, and she can't connect to my world. We have tried everything. We have switched network several times, but it's not working at all. It has worked before. Thank you in advance.

  • Danny Support
    Beacon of Knowledge Bug Zapper Support

    Hey there!

    It is a P2P error correct?

    Sorry you are experiencing them. This is a larger issue that the team is investigating. Please check here for updates:



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