Code Builder Not Opening when "C" is used
I have a teacher that can not open Code Builder when using "C" on the keyboard. It does nothing. She is on the 1.20.12.
Hey Charity,
I believe I may have just responded to the ticket she submitted, but it sounds like a key binding issue to me.
This is how you fix it:- Press ESC to return to the menu.
- Select Settings
- Scroll down to Controls and click on the desired interface.
- ensure the 'CodeBuilder' option is binded to 'C'
- If it is not assigned, click the block and press 'C' on your keyboard. it should read as 'C' now
Let me know if this helps
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Thank you Ernie! That was the ticket. Not sure why those controls were not set automatically, but that did the trick!
Thank you!
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I have seen this happen to several users (including myself!) after the latest update. I am not sure exactly what is causing this issue yet.
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Seems to happen to me reasonably consistently on the latest update whenever I switch gamemode during play
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Hey Joshua!
Does Ernie's keybinding suggestion above help the issue at all?
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Yes, but the C key keeps becoming unbound randomly when switching modes
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Oh! Interesting, switching between Creative and Survival for an example?
What device and OS version are you on? I can see if our test team can try to repro.
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I'm on a Windows 10 device and the 'c' key gets unbound pretty consistently when switching between modes
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Hey Joshua,
When you say switching modes, are you referring to switching between survival and creative mode?
If not, can you explain what you mean?
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