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Latest activity by Justin Payne-
Justin Payne commented,
I'm having the same issue where anyone who has updated to v18 cannot join each other worlds, only v17's can connect to other v17's worlds. All on surface go's with microsoft 10 and all using the sc...
Justin Payne commented,
I have tried to have them utilize the library of lessons, challenges, worlds, and tutorials, but most of them say they are blocked for them, why would this be? I have been having to download the ch...
Justin Payne commented,
Thanks for the quick reply Adam, So if I am at school and on the school network this is likely something I am not able to do correct? I will need to pass it on to my IT department to look into chan...
Justin Payne created a post,
Students cannot join my world
I have tried on several occasions to create a world and have students join as well as joining worlds they have created, but neither work. Students are able to join worlds other students create, bu...