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David Eichler commented,
Sadly, no. I don't think it is possible with the current level of coding in game.
David Eichler created a post,
Programable Teleportation
I think I already know the answer to my question (No). But here we go anyway. I'm attempting a math escape room-ish world. Students write word problems that will equal the X Y Z coords for the nex...
David Eichler commented,
You are a wonderful person, don't ever change. Not for me, not for anyone. Silly question, is there a /command that will speed up how quickly player will get hungry? I'm building an Oregon Trail s...
David Eichler created a post,
Reset the Number of Days Played
Hey all, Is there a /command to reset the number "days played"? If so, what might it be?
David Eichler created a post,
A scaled map of the world
Hey Devs, I have been fooling around with an Oregon Trail-esk adventure, traveling the 3,000+KM from Missouri to Oregon. In my research I have found that there are maps, made by amazing creators, t...
David Eichler commented,
Link to the 286-diameter sun world file. I think this will work. https://cobbk12org-my.sharepoint.com/:u:/g/personal/david_eichler_cobbk12_org/ET5_fbcNIs5PrJO24YPnD8oBtWiM5B0_cgG5d9FluInDTw?e=e8mWOn
David Eichler commented,
Frank Claikens, Thank YOU! It worked! This thing is just stupid huge and the kids are loving it! It's so big at a radius of 143 cubs that the sun can't all render at the same time. I'm not sure how...
David Eichler commented,
First off, thank you so very much for writing this code. I greatly appreciate your effort and your help. However I think I am doing something wrong, because I can't get it to work. I've tried this ...
David Eichler commented,
Thanks for this! I will check it out!
David Eichler created a post,
Desperate Teacher - I need a really big sphere! HELP!! Worldedit??
Hey all, I'm doing a scaled solar system project. I'll post it once I've done it a couple of times and worked out all the kinks. I am using the scale that Mercury is equal to one cube (1m) My bigg...