How do I whitelist the URLs?
With the new update (1.18.32), I cannot join or host a world. My son and I each have a license for MC Education Edition and we only join each other's worlds. We haven't played MC for a couple months, but when we logged in today we found that we cannot join each other's worlds. I saw the advise is to have the IT team whitelist the URLs. I am the IT team and am not tech saavy. Can you tell me how to whitelist the URLs? I have a PC with Windows 10 and my son is on a chromebook.
So from my experience, on the Windows device it's either going to be in Windows Defender, or if you're running a third party antivirus like I am, that can take over firewall duties from Windows Defender. Essentially you need to find the Firewall settings and find the section that lets you add URLs to the allowed list.
I found this that might help with how to do it in Windows Defender.
I found this one for Chromebooks:
If you have an antivirus that is taking over the firewall duties, you'll probably have to search their site for FAQs.
I'll add the caveat that all of this applied when I was testing connections with the join-er at another house on another network. Before I whitelisted everything, I was testing it on my spare computer, so that both computers were on the same network, and I could join fine. It wasn't until my students and I were trying from different networks that the problems started. If you're on the same network, but still can't join with the pictures or the numeric code, there may be something else going on.2 -
Typically this is for Orgs and not for home use, but occasionally some virus protection programs may require allowlisting URLs.
What is the error you get when trying to join eachother?
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I had a similar problem with 1.18.32 update and we are a small private education institution and we don't have any IT admin (Danny your suggestion to just consult the IT admin is really UNHELPFULL for users of Minecraft Edu that isn't a regular school district) and its all in one network. There are 2 things we tried that may or may not be the solution (but in the end it worked)
1) in Windows Defender there is a setting for allow apps thru Firewall, and somehow the default for Minecraft Edu app is turned off for Private Networks so we turned it on to allow the app in Private Network to get thru the firewall
2) We restarted the Wifi Router to refresh network settings.
After we did these 2 things the Multiplayer started to work again.
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Hi, we have been experiencing problems with our students also. Typically, they will be able to connect multiplayer, but the program witll kick all out in about 5 minutes. We have white listed all urls and still the same issue. The problem seems to be happening when the networks are different. We already tried everything, different PCs, different Host, white lists, removing the firewall, different windows versions, etc.
Something is wrong on the new version because this is happening to everyone on different networks. And seems to be something general. Please help.
Thanks a lot.
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I see you mention that it kicks you out after 5 minutes when using different networks. Does this occur when everyone is on the same network? Are you able/completed allow listing these URLs: https://*,, and Let us know more details about the multiplayer environment that you are using when playing.
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