Minecraft not working OS X Monterey
Hey all,
I recently updated my MacBookPro to OS X Monterey (v12.1) and ever since, MineCraft Education starts up, but hangs at startupscreen
I've tried to delete everything and reinstall it, but it keeps on bringing up the same problem. My Internet xs works fine and is also pretty fast, so…
Anyone got any resources or help for me? Thanks!
I'm sorry to hide your post but your personal information is displayed. Dominick
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I removed the personal information from his post. Working with team now about this issue. This sounds familiar and may be a known issue.
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So, after talking with the team, you can try a fix where you download the older client version. If you would like to try that option, let me know and well open a ticket for you and provide that install.
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Thanks for getting back at this. Yes, I'd like to try that as currently, I can't teach anymore. Thanks
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Is there a link that can be accessed by everyone as we are having the same issue at our school with the new fleet of MacBooks on Monterey.
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I am sorry to report but there is not a public link for this.
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