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Accessing Saved Worlds



  • Hallo. Each time you create a new world, a new folder with the world appears, that tracks basically what you do in the world. If you go to a different device and run the same .mcworld file, because the folder I just mentioned doesn't exist in the file, then the world won't remember the progress you've made. If you go to your school's folders in the location that should look like this:

    C:\Users\user\AppData\Roaming\Minecraft Education Edition\games\com.mojang\minecraftWorlds
    (instead of roaming it could be on Local, make sure you have hidden items turned on)

    So each and everyone of your students should access this worlds file. Take it home with them and place it on the same spot. Then it should be on their worlds folder when they turn on the game. Keeping the same account is important if the world uses a scoreboard mechanic, or the inventory is important. In most cases it is, but that's up to the minecraft world.

    I hope this helped

  • Gearoid O'Connell

    Thanks a million for that however we are using iPads to complete projects so how would I transfer those files you mentioned from iPad to a laptop or other device.

  • Penny Support
    Bug Zapper Super Star Beacon of Knowledge Support


  • Andrew L

    Hi there Gearoid O'Connell. In this case Konstantinos Roumpas is correct about transferring worlds on Windows devices. We have a special guide for iPads here:

    World Management for iPad – MEE (


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