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Site Crashes



  • Kurt Dager

    This is on the iPad.

  • Dani Noble
    Moderator Beacon of Knowledge Super Star

    Hi Kurt Dager

    I would export the world and try to host it from another device. 

  • Kurt Dager

    Thanks Dan!

    The students had exported the world and tried to open it on other iPads (to no avail- still crashed).  I then had them export the world to me and I logged in with my laptop and played "host" and they had no issues.  Not sure why it worked this way, but it gave us a viable solution for now.


  • Kurt Dager

    Today when we tried through hosting on my laptop, we had no luck.  Constantly crashed after logging in.  Yesterday this worked perfectly.

  • Dani Noble
    Moderator Beacon of Knowledge Super Star

    Hi Kurt, 

    I'm wondering if a student has added a command block element that causing something to generate continuously and crash the world. Might want to query them and see.

    One other quick way to see would be to take a copy of the world, and in Settings>Game, toggle off the Command Blocks Enabled. You'd need to rebuild any command block sequences after turning it back on however. 

    Other possibility is that the file is simply corrupt. I export my .mcworld file after each build session so I have a running backup of my progress and it's one of the first things I recommend in my workshops. 


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