Command block tests for a minimum number of blocks in a players inventory?
I am making a Bedwars game so my classmates can play bedwars at school (there is no reliable source of bedwars on MEE). Anyways, I have got everything besides the buying items part, possibly the easiest part. I am not using a villager, and am instead using buttons. There is a stone sword button, for example, and when you press it, it checks if you have AT LEAST 10 iron ingots. The commands I set up doesnt make sure you have at least 10 iron ingots and just takes whatever number of iron ingots you have, regardless. If anybody read this far xD and has a fix, thanks!
Hi, Cameron, pleased to meet you. I know nothing about bedwars =] but I can help with the code a bit. Can you post the code you are using please? Thanks. I'll take a peek.
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