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profile stuck at 75%



  • So basically, you can reload your Minecraft Educational. If that doesn't work you can restart your device and another way is leave your Minecraft on one screen and let it load. (Click the Minecraft on the Windows hot bar and go outside and leave your Minecraft loading.)

  • Penny Support
    Bug Zapper Super Star Beacon of Knowledge Support

    Hi Bruce Williamson - I just took a peek and see that you have two profiles created with the same email address - one for a work/school email and one for a personal email.  I'm going to open a ticket so we can investigate, as this could be causing issues on the backend.

  • Kosuke theMCPro

    This is happening for me also.

  • Danny Support
    Beacon of Knowledge Bug Zapper Support

    Hey Kosuke!

    I checked, and I could not see that you have another profile like Bruce. 

    I will open up a ticket and we can dig into further there!

  • Kosuke theMCPro

    This is to Danny.

    Here is a video showing that my profile is stuck at 75% and is unable to earn a badge.

    Link to view video:

    Sorry that I am late to your response Danny.

  • Kosuke theMCPro

    Don't worry, it is now solved. I just had to upload a photo for my avatar

  • Kosuke theMCPro

    Bruce Williamson, just upload a photo as your avatar or pick an avatar that you want to be.


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