Structure block 1.17 spawning mobs non-stop
I saved a structure and there was a wandering trader and llamas in it. When I loaded the structure in another spot, wandering traders and llamas started spawning NON-STOP. This lagged out my world, and I cannot stop them from spawning.
I have tried the kill commands, and the ones that have spawned died, but they still respawn.
I broke the structure block, and they still spawn.
Any idea how to save the world?
If you can still get into the world and type commands, you could try:
/mobevent minecraft:wandering_trader_event false
Justin, sounds like this may be a bug.
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Ahh, I found the problem. I think it is a bug: There were NPCs in the "structure" I copied, and now they are being duplicated a lot. I finally managed to put it on world builder, then deleted all entities.
The only problem is that I cannot stop NPCs from stopping to spawn. I am not talking about mobs, I am talking about NPC characters I have spawned to get the students items etc. Can I turn NPC spawning off? Every time I do /remove @e, then hundreds keep coming back. The wandering traders are not coming back now due to turning of spawning them, but the NPCs are spawning NON-STOP. Any ideas?0 -
That's really weird. Do you have any command blocks set to summon npcs?
I don't know if it would work in this specific instance, but you could try: /gamerule domobspawning false (turns off all mobs).
Do you have a backup of your world prior to loading the structure?
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No command blocks are set to summon npcs.
No, /gamerule domobspawning false does not work. They continue to spawn on top of themselves non-stop.
No backup of our world, so it looks like it is ruined. Very discouraging. Any other ideas? Is it possible to upload the world somewhere for someone to try and fix?0 -
I can have the admins exchange our emails, then you can email the world and I can take a look. Does that work for you?
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Yes, that sounds good. Thank you!
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Penny would you be able to exchange our emails for us when you have a moment? Thanks!
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