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Can't spawn mobs



  • Hi, Late... but the command "/gamerule allowmobs true" will fix the issue.

  • Quynh Do

    How can I spawn creepers? and won't work I have tryed that every day but would not work

  • Thanks Ronan! That fixed it. (After trying everything else with no success!)

  • Debbie Alexander
    Moderator Beacon of Knowledge Super Star

    Have you checked your settings to make sure mobs are enabled?

    (just checking!)

  • Sydney Munsterman

    The exact same thing is happening with multiple classes I am assisting. We have all the correct settings turned on but when we try to spawn an animal from the egg it automatically dies and turns red. Help!

  • Mamie Gendemeh

    my seern is friking 

  • Debbie Alexander
    Moderator Beacon of Knowledge Super Star

    Kaj Rietkerk and Sydney Munsterman - well, I'm afraid the only thing to do is either submit a help ticket, which you are most welcome to do (and the help folks are super!) or you can toss out some more info here, for example what world you are working in (e.g. is it a world you created or a downloaded world? and what are all of the settings like operator/mobs enabled, etc.) I'm sorry. These things can be frustrating! Don't forget to restart. We want to help.

  • Diana Lorenzo

    So I made a peaceful flat world that was creative for me but survival for anyone else. I have a square border. I was the world builder. I initially turned off mobs and all the mobs disappeared. However, when I turned it back on, I still couldn't get any chicken from the chicken spawn egg, which is the mob I wanted. I didn't try any other mobs, but I'm guessing they wouldn't work, either. I had cheats activated, I turned on mob spawning, I turned on mob griefing, I turned on allow mobs, I put an allow block where I wanted to spawn my chicken, and nothing. It just turned red and died. Also, sometimes a random animal would try to spawn in the sky (always outside my border, but I take it that's just chance) but it immediately turned red and died. I could use the code to spawn a chicken, and it functioned as normally, and I gave him a name, with a name tag and everything. But then when I went back into my world after leaving, he disappeared. Does it just never let you have a mob once you turn mobs off? Was it because my world was immutable? What happened and how do I fix it without just making a new world?


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