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Code Builder limitations, suggestions and problems



  • Aleece Landis
    Bug Zapper Beacon of Knowledge Super Star

    Jelle de Graaf Unfortunately I think the make code/code builder program is really designed for teaching the basics of coding and you seem to have progressed well beyond the basics.  You my friend may want to look into developing code blocks for the program (I don't know what is involved in it but I do know there is an avenue to do just that.)

    I too have noticed that using the code builder and the agent with minecraft can be rather laggy even on a PC, in fact if I try to take a screen shot of a larger program to post it just crashes make code.  I've also noticed that it isn't consistent in what projects it saves and keeps available for me so I have to make sure to back up the projects so that I can re-import them back into the worlds.  And just opening the code builder tends to cause minecraft to become unresponsive for a few minutes.

    That said.  I was struggling with some of this sort of stuff (like how can I run the code or commands from my agent position instead of my own position.)  I wound up having to re-write the code using different blocks.  Have you tried simply using the execute as blocks?  Using those blocks, you can pretty much put any command in that you could use in game and essentially create a function file in code builder.

    Now with the issues with code builder and lag, perhaps you want to talk to your teacher about setting you up with a behavior pack you can use to create function files to run your more complex commands in a format that doesn't cause you as many lag problems (if this is for a world you are creating and not some activity being hosted on another computer.)

  • Jelle de Graaf

    Thanks for the response Aleece, i will try to look into using the execute block but with things like a "while certain block at relative coords to the agent is this" cant really be put in a execute block. And what do you mean with developing blocks?

    Regarding the behavior pack pack for functions: i dont really like functions. I generally build maps using command blocks (skywars, parkour, pvp minigames, etc.) and I like them more then functions. But when trying the code builder i ran into problems within the first 1 hour of using it.

    Nontheless thx alot for your response!

  • Aleece Landis
    Bug Zapper Beacon of Knowledge Super Star

    Pretty much any command you can type in or put in a command block can be placed into the execute block, you just have to type it in (and therefore need to figure out the correct order/syntax to use so that it will work.)  Which is also the case when writing function, which is why you often have to write it in minecraft to see if the command works and if it does, copy and paste it.

    I only thought perhaps since you were having issues with delay/lag from code builder that perhaps especially on perhaps less powerful devices, the functions might prove to be a lighter weight way to run more of the commands with less lag.

    Anyway, to each their own and in some cases, you may find that one tool to develop your game or method and then later you want to put that work into another form for distribution and the like.

    As to the developing blocks, I saw somewhere that it is actually possible to develop new code blocks for use in code builder.

  • Jelle de Graaf

    My problems with function packs are as follows: 1. Everything done in a function can also be done with command blocks. 2. In fuctions you can add weird and complicated redstone circuits to make different commands work together (for example: if one command block gives a output, a different command block should not, but when that command block gets triggered via a different input it should ignore the first command block.) And when you put them in the code builder I can expect a lag fest. 

    I searched for developing blocks but could only find making blocks for micro:bit makeCode. Do you have a link to a website or youtube video?



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