increase building height limit in nether
please increase the building height limit in the nether its currently on 128 which makes it impossible to even build a portal when on the roof
i agree we need to be able to build on ether roof perfect base
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Interesting idea. What's the value of building the portal on the roof? Could it be built a few blocks lower?
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I agree this should be increased. To answer Bryan, I was trying to do it so that I could build a nether portal hub up there for fast travel. For example, my son's portal at his place would be only 15 blocks in the X direction and 55 blocks in the Z direction in the nether. If we could build up there it would be a safe and easy place to facilitate fast travel in the overworld by taking advantage of 1 block travel in nether equally 8 blocks in over world. While I could build in the nether I'd like to do it in a place where no monsters spawn and simply focus on fast travel up there.
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Ok, I know building on the Nether roof is a thing in Java Edition. Does it work in Bedrock edition?
There are many Minecraft things you will see on YouTube that are in Java edition but do not work in Bedrock.
If it works in Bedrock Edition, it may be possible to get in in Education. But if it does not work in Bedrock, I would not expect it to work in Education.
If you really want to create a "safe" Nether Hub. You could go into creative mode and create a mob proof tunnels in the Nether ceiling as close up to the bedrock as you can, Unfortunately, Bedrock edition limits the build height differently than Java edition does.0 -
I think I'm playing bedrock on my XBox. Really don't know as I'm pretty new to MineCraft. My kids and some younger kids recommended it as a fun game and I am enjoying it. But it sucked losing all my stuff simply because I couldn't build on the roof like they can in other editions.
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Hi Joe Moyle
As Minecraft Education Edition doesn't have an XBox version at this time, I expect you are probably playing on Bedrock Edition. This forum is for the Minecraft Education edition (Based on Bedrock but usually a version or few behind and with some extra education features and security.)
My recommendation on How to handle being new to minecraft and having a world set up for young players.1-Set the Gamerule Keep Inventory to True. This can be done by an operator in game with the command in chat in the game /gamerule keepinventory true
2-Start out with the difficulty set to Peaceful and then Move to Easy once you have some of the Initial resources.0 -
I think you should add the nether roof building feature in the next update so we can build the gold farms like the Java players can.
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