Code Builder Issues
I have installed the game on hundreds of computers in my school. This week I was teaching the basics of code builder. I had my kids launch a game and press the code builder button. On a few computers the setting for code builder was greyed out and you could not toggle it. They were running 1.14.50. I have also noticed some kids Minecraft shows the Hour of Code button and others does not. My kids are able to download the game 3 ways: 1) If I install the EXE 2) Microsoft Store and 3) We have version 1.12.50 that is containerized and delivered by our district. That container version struggles to update, but eventually does. Do I need to be reinstalling the game for students whose code builder is greyed out?
Hello Jacob Radcliffe,
Thanks for posting.
- Getting everyone on the latest version (1.14.50) is our first step!
- If the Code Builder toggle is greyed out let's ensure: Creative is on, cheats are on and /worldbuilder is set to true
If we need to troubleshoot further please create a ticket with us:
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