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My world has disappeared



  • Penny Support
    Bug Zapper Super Star Beacon of Knowledge Support

    Hi Andrew Fitzpatrick -  I'm so sorry to hear that you can't find your world.  It sounds like the world may have been corrupted when your machine blue-screened.  If you'd like to investigate, Minecraft: Education Edition worlds are stored locally on your device and on a PC you may still be able to find the world files here:

    C:\Users\[USERNAME]\AppData\Roaming\Minecraft Education Edition\games\com.mojang\minecraftWorlds

    The tricky part of this is that the world folders are listed with a "GUID", which is a series of letters and numbers that don't correlate to the world name that you'd recognize.  Here what I would suggest to find the world and see if you can still open it:

    1. sort the minecraftWorlds folder by date and try to pinpoint the time you were last in the world
    2. open the folder that has a date/time close to the last time you were in the world
    3. open the file called "levelname.txt" in a text editor to see the name of the world.  If it's the world you are looking for, close the file and move to the next step
    4. copy the entire folder for this world to your desktop, or another convenient location
    5. open the folder in this new location, select all of the files in the directory, right click and then select "Send to Compressed (zipped) folder"
    6. A new file with extension ".zip" will show up in this folder.  Move this .zip file to the desktop, or another convenient location
    7. Rename the .zip file to "[WORLDNAME].mcworld" - WORLDNAME is a name you choose that is recognizeable to you
    8. Double click on this file, and Minecraft: Education Edition will launch
    9. If you get an error about the import process, your world has become corrupted and you will not be able to open it. in Minecraft: Education Edition.

    If you're worried that the machine may blue screen again in the future, it's a great idea to export and save your worlds after every session.


    I hope this helps!

  • Dan Noble

    Good to know... thanks for posting this Penny!

  • John Wagner

    How do i get to

    C:\Users\[Wagner_J]\AppData\Roaming\Minecraft Education Edition\games\com.mojang\minecraftWorlds ?,

    I'm on a chromebook.

  • Dan Noble

    Hi John, 

    In File Explorer, you'll need to select View and then select "Hidden items". 

  • John Wagner

    I'm on a chromebook, so I don't know if that will work.

  • Dan Noble

    Ah, sorry. I missed that part about being on a Chromebook. Chromebooks will be a different file path. 

    Penny do you know what the file path for game saves is on a chromebook? 


  • Forest Lover

    Can someone help me with this two??

  • John Wagner

    Will it work if all of my worlds have been deleted?

  • Penny Support
    Bug Zapper Super Star Beacon of Knowledge Support

    You can follow these steps to see if the world files are still on your device, however if you've uninstalled the app it's likely that your worlds have also been deleted.  

  • John Wagner

    But how?

  • I have a student on a chromebook who this might have happened to - has the file path for chromebooks been figured out? I have a student chromebook to test this with to make sure I can follow it and walk my student through it. The app has not been uninstalled and still works properly.
    Penny Dan Noble

  • Penny Support
    Bug Zapper Super Star Beacon of Knowledge Support

    Danielle Chronister I actually did a test run of this yesterday on a Chromebook!

    If the files are still on the device, they would be in a folder called "minecraftWorlds".  Since the file paths can vary on different Chromebook devices, you can search for this folder in your Files app.  Make sure to click on the vertical dots in the top right and select "Show hidden files" and "Show all Play folders" to make sure your search is pulling up the right result

    The tricky part of this is that the world folders are listed with a "GUID", which is a series of letters and numbers that don't correlate to the world name that you'd recognize.  Here what I would suggest to find the world and see if you can still open it:

    1. sort the minecraftWorlds folder by date and try to pinpoint the time you were last in the world
    2. open the folder that has a date/time close to the last time you were in the world
    3. open the file called "levelname.txt" in a text editor to see the name of the world.  If it's the world you are looking for, close the file and move to the next step
    4. copy the entire folder for this world to your desktop, or another convenient location
    5. Right-click the folder, and then select "Zip selection". 
    6. A zip file will appear under the folder selection.
    7. Rename the .zip file to "[WORLDNAME].mcworld" - WORLDNAME is a name you choose that is recognizeable to you
    8. Double click on this file, and Minecraft: Education Edition will launch
  • So, we were able to get to the data folder in the Android folder, but once we opened the files under the com.mojang.minecraftedu there's absolutely nothing there. No files, nothing to organize. I did this same thing from the student chromebook I have with a student profile, and also saw nothing. Could this have anything to do with permissions for student users? I'm in a large urban public school district and there's a lot of management of student devices and accounts.

    Thank you for your speedy reply Penny - I was able to work with my student on Zoom and see what we could figure out and where we got stuck. 

    Hoping something will be able to be done relatively easily.

  • Dan Noble

    Hi Danielle Chronister

    Personally I've had very limited success recovering files once the worlds have disappeared or have corrupted. 

    When holding introductory workshops, I really stress the importance of the Export feature, and recommend the students export their worlds up to OneDrive or Google Drive after every build session. It's saved many a student project at our board. 

  • Margo Leamon

    I am having the same problem.  My students are creating and hosting worlds in their own MEE accounts using a chromebook.  They come in each day and log in to their world, and then the next time, the world is gone.  Sometimes they find it when they look in "application" or "external" storage.  However, it's happened a few times now where we can't find it anywhere.  It's not in deleted files, or hidden files, or google play files, or any files with "guid".  It's as if they were never created.  I've gone through the different steps I've seen in the thread above, but the files just aren't there.  I can't understand how the files can just be gone??

  • Dan Noble

    Hi Margo Leamon

    I'm assuming each student is using the same chromebook each time? Worlds are only save to the local device, so if they are using a different chromebook, even if it is the same account, the world won't transfer to the next device. 

    I would get the students into the habit of exporting their worlds in any event. Corruptions and worlds disappearing, while uncommon does happen and if they have an exported file, they'll have an easy way of getting it back. 

    I usually make a point of walking students in my workshops through both exporting and importing and encourage them to export after each build session and giving their worlds a version number which they change after each build so they have a running progress. 

    Hope this helps. 

  • Furqaan Mohammed

    Hello Penny i tried these steps for recovering my world on my chromebook, however when i click on the zip file minecraft education edition keeps giving me the error "Level Import Failed" please help.

  • That's super frustrating. Are you able to share the world file so we can check to make sure it is not corrupted? Minecraft EDU Official

  • Ishaan Srivastava

    Can we open the minecraft education world folder in minecraft bedrock???

  • Marcelles Orr

    So, I just logged into Minecraft Education Edition, and I hit my [usually] first world, called "My Brookhaven house World." I worked so hard on the house, considering that I had to use a ton of Iron Blocks, a ton of Black Concrete, and lanterns. Plus, a water elevator (with the buttons included). I even took the liberty of building Powered Rails with minecarts to travel home when I'm far away from it. It took days. It had a tv, a computer upstairs, a hot tub on the roof, a spruce sapling, and 4 floors. As u can see, this was time consuming. I loaded into my world, only to find out that it was my "Survival... for real" world. It was gone! Just gone! I did not press delete and then press play on the second world. I just pressed play. It was gone, and I didn't export it, as I was still adding things to it. Please help!

  • Dani Noble
    Moderator Beacon of Knowledge Super Star

    Hi Marcelles Orr

    I'm really sorry to hear that happened to you. It sounds like you'd put a lot of effort and imagination into your world. 

    Unfortunately, this is something that can happen from time to time, so I usually recommend exporting your world after a build session. Are you familiar with the process? 

    As to your lost world, there's a very small chance you might be able to find it in your systems files. Are you using a non-school Windows device? 

  • Julian Cardenas

    Hi I Know you Blocked minecraft but I just wont to know if my world is stil

  • Matthew Yang

    My worlds just got deleted. The app uninstalled itself and then when I re downloaded it, all the worlds were gone. I've tried changing the storage locations, looked in the files but no luck. Can you help me?(I'm on chromebook)

  • Penny Support
    Bug Zapper Super Star Beacon of Knowledge Support

    Hi all, I am truly sorry to hear that you have lost your worlds.  We do have an updated article for where to look for lost worlds on different devices.  There is a chance that your worlds may still be on your device, but it's not guaranteed. 


    Location of World Files – Minecraft: Education Edition Support

  • Joshua Elias-Valle

    Hi im  Joshua I lost my mincraft world where i spent almost 1 hour on it when my sscreen went blue please help me. I don't wan't to lose it i did what you said on the up scroll but in file explorer I can't find my mincraft world, can you send me a video, or something PLEASE.

  • Asheen Rahman

    Hi there, Im Asheen. I have lost 1 year of Minecraft education progress, there were multiple smps, modded worlds etc I had saved in there. My pc all of a sudden went into a restarting phase and when it became normal after hours and I fixed everything including downloading minecraft education again, I find that all 50+ worlds are all gone, my custom skins are gone, my progress is gone. I have only a couple minecraft education files downloaded in my folders but those worlds aren't as important and I dont bother playing them. But the recent smp worlds I have made with my friends we put a lot of effort into it ( months upon  months ) we had mega bases etc. I saw your message Penny that if the Minecraft education app has been deleted, my worlds are going to be gone. Is there any possible way they can be returned? I have put a lot of time into this game and I would appreciate for a response back. Please and Thank you :)

  • Asheen Rahman

    Please could anyone respond I am really worried

  • Danny Support
    Beacon of Knowledge Bug Zapper Support

    Hey Asheen Rahman,

    So sorry to hear! :( It has happened to all of us before though you are not alone.

    Unfortunately, as Penny said it is unlikely the worlds are still there if the app has been reinstalled. Maps are stored locally, not on a server, so if the device fails so do the worlds :( Have you ever emailed the worlds to any of your friends? There could be an emailed version floating around somewhere, otherwise they are likely gone. You can check this page as Penny has posted for potentially trying to find them : 

    Sorry Asheen!

  • Dani Noble
    Moderator Beacon of Knowledge Super Star

    Make sure you are exporting your Minecraft Education Worlds after each build session to a cloud storage space (like Google Drive or OneDrive) so that you have a progressive backup of your builds! This has saved many a students work.

    This process will provide you with multiple backups in case you make a mistake, your game or worlds become corrupt, or it you have issues with your computer. 

    If you're not sure how to do this, you can watch some videos I created here: iPad, Windows, Chromebook

  • Asheen Rahman

    Thank youuu to both of you :), I will try the methods tommorow, I really really appriciate the response thank you so much!


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