Error a intentar iniciar sesion
¿Está tu Minecraft: Education Edition en la última versión? (1.14.50) si es así, podría ser un problema de cuenta. Si no compró Office 365 en su cuenta, no le permitirá usar Minecraft: Education Edition. (Nota: hablo inglés y no tengo ni idea de cómo hablar español, así que usé Google Translate)
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y yo no puedo iniciar secion por que lo que me dice minecrft Eduction Edition cuando termino de iniciar secion dice: Lo sentimos, tenemos problemas para iniciar su secion.
quede con la duda gracias...
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That screenshot is saying that the account you are using to login is not setup to play Minecraft Education. Accounts need to be added as a user for Minecraft Education and have a license assigned to it to play. Personal email addresses wont work as a login like Google or Yahoo accounts.
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hi! i can't start session as well. it already has an account, thar worked til 2 weeks ago, and now it says that there's a problem with the conection (i have no problems with my wifi, already check). i have seen in youtube how to fix it (uninstalling one of the 2 minecrafts that i don't know why are on every pc that has the game, the solution would be to uninstall the one that goes under "minecraft studio") but it doesn't work in my case because when i look on the applications on my pc there's 2 versions of "minecraft education - minecraft studio". one says it is 1.27gb - version; the other doesn't have that information. which one i must to uninstall? it is the right way to solve the problem? i'm not english speaker so i hope i explain myself correctly.
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Thank you for providing that information. Try removing the Minecraft Studio to see if that helps but from what you describe it may not. Is this a school device? They may have some software installed that is interfering with the communication.
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No me deja iniciar sesión, el error es.No se encontró ninguna cuenta profesional o educativa con esa dirección de correo electrónico.
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¿Alguien sabe como solucionar eso?
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It sounds like you may be using a personal email to log in.
You'll need to use an organizational email from your school/work in order to sign in. If you do not know what it is, you can contact your IT department for that information.
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