Known issue with MakeCode
We understand that there are some issues with MakeCode currently. Our team is aware of these issues and are working on a solution. We appreciate your patience during this time.
You can always check our current list of known issues at the following link:
We also understand that some of you may be having issues loading Code Builder. While this is a separate issue from the known issue with MakeCode, We have some steps that you can follow that should help with most issues.
First we recommend backing up all of your projects. To do that, follow the steps at the link below:
After you have backed up your projects. Go to the following page: and tap on the gear icon. From there, select "reset." This will clear the program cache and delete any projects that haven't been backed up manually. This should allow you to access Code Maker as normal. From there you can import your projects as before.
If this does not help you can clear your cache manually:
- Close out of Minecraft
- In File Explorer, have them navigate to C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Local\Temp
- They should see a folder called minecraftpecodeBuilderV1
- Have them rename this folder (or delete, or zip it up and send to us for troubleshooting)
- Then launch Minecraft again and see if Code Builder comes up
Hi Andrew L. These known issues are also considerning the one that we are experiencing when we press the letter "c" to open the Code Boulder and then it keeps loading with no progress?. I saw the list of known issues but I am not sure if this problem is there. We are many teachers and students having this same issue (looks like a general problem since last Thursday). I just want to make sure that you are working on this because it affected many of us and I see that also seems to be global.
Thanks a lot
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i opened my game as i normally do, and after pressing c key the codebuilder with makecode does not start, this happens to many of my students as well
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Ezequiel Forte Matías Senese Rishard Willis I've updated the original post here with information about the trouble with getting Code Maker to load and how to fix the issue.
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