go to hatch a ender dragon from a egg
The url doesn’t work
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For me at least
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I does not work, but I still wait for it to hatch and it would not hatch, idk why
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use the command in the chat /summon @s ender_dragon ( make sure you have plenty of room where you spawn it.)
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I just want the minecraft updates and being able to put every thing into your off hand including nothing. For the skin it's fine you can actually import custom skin's I have tried it
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There is no baby Ender Dragon in ALL Minecraft versions. But, using commands, its possible that you can ride a ender dragon.
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Why do you guys think that you can hatch an ender dragon?
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But the big one attacks you and the little ender dragon does not. I wanna little one. And also can you tame in in MEE?
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hahahah \
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I just wanna baby ender dragon, tame it and then ride it! The ender dragon is just-so-cute!
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Also way off topic multiplayer is not working for me :(
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the game doesn't even have a baby ender dragon to begin with. (at least in vanilla)
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Because it is education edition and your not allowed to tame hostile mobs other wise
1. Kids would go mad and possibly die cause they will think that they can have pet u know but now everyone knows in minecraft wolfs are dogs ( kinda but yeah )
2. People would get mad at minecraft and yeah
At least that's what I think and off topic: ( because I really want this to happen in this minecraft which will make it so more fun! )
1. add new minecraft updates
2. And make it that if we press f on our key board the item will go to off hand and we can use with right click whatever ( we can use off hand fireworks and use them for flight )
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And add chairs no matter what I have been crouching on stairs or adding mine carts into them to make it like: U CAN SIT ON IT!!
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You have to have addons to be able to hatch dragons.
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I figured that out.
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I am for myself too I will love that a tame baby ender dragon who attacks monsters for me and who does salsa for entertainment and that you can ride. I encourage you.
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Wait, do you need addons to hatch the ender dragon egg? And how long do you have to wait to hatch the ender dragon egg?
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Can one of you send or make a video and send me it so i could have a ender dragon as my cute pet?
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And do you have to be survival to hatch the egg?
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like how? Please tell me!
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do you need addons to do it? Please say no because im on school chromebook!
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and make a server right now! So we could tame a ender dragon together. Tell me the code and i will join.
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WOAH WOAH WOAH, HOLD IT DUDE! You know that we will know ur name, right?
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wut is da command?
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LOL because we are stupid xD
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i mean there is way to spawn an ender dragon
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