Need help with the player head command
Hi! I'm trying to make a world, and I want to use my character's head as a signature. However, I find that the command /give @p minecraft:player_head{SkullOwner:"<PlayerName>"} doesn't work. Is there a different command that will work? And does this command allow you to select heads from a player on the official Minecraft game? Thanks for any answers.
The education versions differs from the consumer version.
Advanced command syntax and certain commands don't work. This website does a decent job of specifying what works in all the different versions, including Education edition:
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You can't get other players heads on MC:EE
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What your looking for is NBT tags Minecraft edu doent have NBT tags if you dont know what nbt tags are they are the stuff like {SkullOwner:""} {Enchaments:""} {"Text":""}
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