How do I post a minecraft world?
I am wondering how to posta world. I know I've seen another person posted a minecraft world like this but I don't know how. Please help me.
Official comment
Bryan is correct! You can just export your world to a file, then you can share that file however you would like to. Typically users save their file to cloud storage and share the link in the forums. If you are an educator trying to post lessons, you must be a certified Minecraft Mentor to be able to have those privileges.
I only heard things about posting a lesson.. 2 years ago. I want to know if there is an update.
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Me too! I would love to post my world for the world to see, but getting serified? sounds hard, and long!
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No worries! You can export your world and share it without any certification! =] Many people do that. There are some really great worlds by super talented builders!
The folks who post worlds in support of the education/lesson emphasis of Minecraft Education have taken time to hone their skills and applied to become a Minecraft Mentor. The worlds posted come with lesson materials and help teachers all over the world. I am grateful for the incredible contribution they make.
Sharing is always a good thing. =]
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