Will not open
Hi there!
Sorry about that - just as a note, Minecraft: Education Edition support is available to alert us of issues anytime, but generally "in the office" during Monday-Fridays. We appreciate your patience and reaching out to us here too to make sure your issue wasn't lost. :)2 -
It wont let me sign in at ALL and says cant connect when I have full strong WIFI
why cant It work?
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jake are u using school laptop or bought laptop if school laptop use ur 480 then @students.ocps.net
if in a bought laptop put ur mom dad or ur emailand password it works for me ez
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Hi Jake Watkins,
Frequently if you're receiving that message on a Windows pc, there may be two installs of Minecraft on your computer.
Go to Start>Settings>Apps.
Look for Minecraft Education Edition; there should be two listed. Click on and uninstall the oldest one. This should resolve your problem. If you don't have access to these settings, you'll need to reach out to your school's IT people. Let us know how you make out!
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Even when I click and double click my Minecraft education it won't let me in. I have restarted my PC but still it wont work. What do I do?
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Hi, Helena. Can you navigate to Minecraft from the search (lower left box) and find Minecraft there? Maybe your shortcuts are bad?
Sometimes an installation goes bad and you have to remove the previous install and reinstall, but let's try some other things first. =]1 -
It is installed but not opening in laptop what's the problem
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ok thanks :)
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thats not working either
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I successfully logged into my minecraft edu account but its stuck on downloading resources page, and the bar wont move, please help me
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For those of you that are currently experiencing issues, you should create a new post rather than adding to an old thread.
That said, please provide some additional details so we'll have a better idea how to troubleshoot:
1) Type of device you are using (Chromebook, Mac, iPad, Windows 10)
2) Which version of Minecraft you are running into issues with 1.14 or 1.17
3) What you have tried so far.
4) Screenshots of the specific error are always helpful to us.
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Im using a windows 7
The version is in 1.17
I have tried 3 different accounts and it all leads to this, I've restarted my computer multiple times, and I've also un-installed then re-installed it twice
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A P, while Minecraft Education Edition is supported on Windows 7, I think my first recommendation would be to install Windows 10. Windows 7 is not longer supported and is not receiving security updates, so you're at risk by staying on that OS.
That said, if you're staying on Windows 7 for a while, you can put in a help ticket, here.
Make sure you include the following information:
- Your specific OS (Window 10/MacOS 11/Chromebook 94, etc)
- Your specific device type
- If you are able to connect to Minecraft: Education Edition on another network
- If you are able to access the app after temporarily disabling your antivirus, and if so what antivirus are you using
- If all the URLs from this guide are on your school's allowed sites list.
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it happens to me but also its been on that for 1 hour and im on windows 11 i also turned of my anti virus
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i try to log in to minecraft education edition, and it just stays on the loading screen, education edition version: 1.17.30, computer edition: windows 7 professional.
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i'm a teacher for 8th grade and we used minecraft education edition for the students but the Chromebooks wont load it all of a sudden
please help
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We have windows 10, good network, desktops, MC:EE version 1.17 won't go past the loading resources page. Uninstall and reinstall doesn't work. I can get it on my personal laptop (Lenovo), but other schools in the district are not getting it on their school devices either. Laptop or desktop. What's the disconnect?
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what is wrong ???
minecraft education edition is nott working , i m trying to sign n but it's saying network problem . and i am having strong wifi . pls fix this fast .
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I have the new 1.17 update and it takes 100 yrs to load in. plzzzzz fix this.
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hi team
in windows 7 i able to install but not able to open the application its give issue in running program
in details tab i found below messageMinecraftEducationEdition_x86_1.17.30.52 is incompatible.0 -
Please see my post in this thread from 17 days ago.
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so every time I try and get in mincraft.edu it does not come up
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Oh ya also, Minecraft finally works for me
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i have the same problem i could not open Minecraft Education Edition i reported to apple.
MacBook Air
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I'm using a Chromebook and I kept on reinstalling Minecraft education and restarting my computer but it shows this:
What do I do ?????? (I kept on pressing sign in but it just showed the same thing).
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Hi there Liam P, is your school using a proxy or VPN to connect? Minecraft: Education Edition is not compatible with proxies and will not always work if this is the case. You may need to contact your IT admin and have them temporarily shut said proxy down to test.
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For some reason it won't let me download Minecraft education, I also think that is is because of how many times my computer shut down on me and I am very disappointed. So, if you know how to fix that please let me know. Thanks!
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I need help whenever I open minecraft education edition its not opening I restarted my windows 10 and turned in off I tried everything but it won't open.
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Have you tried uninstalling the game?
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Yes I tried but it won't open one time I opened it and it said something related to it is already running I opened the thing that was already running and it was the repair I can't close it or cancel it
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