Save worlds to OneDrive
With students in classrooms possibly not using the same computer (or computer room) all the time it would be great if worlds could be saved to their onedrive automatically rather than only in the local user profile.
Would also enable easy collaboration when at home.
Official comment
I'm extremely happy to announce that the highly requested cloud backup is now a feature on the new Minecraft Education Preview app! View more info in our articles here:
What's New in the Cloud Preview (v1.20.60) – Minecraft Education
Cloud Upload and Download – Minecraft Education
Minecraft Education Preview Program – Minecraft EducationThe Minecraft Education Preview app can also be installed at the same time as the main Minecraft Education app, unlike our old beta apps.
It would be great to save not only worlds, but also a code, when you are programming.
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It would be very helpful when all Worlds would be saved to One DRive automatically!
This would be a big improvement!3 -
May I make recommendation? Since students log in using their 365 account information, what if there was a, "email this world to me" button on the "manage" option? It would work like a back-up, and it would avoid the sign-in problems which can easily arise on shared iPads. (Our iPads are very persnickety about whether or not they remain signed to certain accounts or not. However the email address which is used for sign in would be entered every time, and internet access would definitely be available.))
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With Minecraft:EE moving to iOS and becoming multi-platform and more mobile, this would be fantastic! It would increase teacher and student productivity and open up a new world of possibilities!
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I am going to add to this because we are really running into A LOT of issues with needing this. We are a blended device district, and particularly on our Chromebooks, we are having students lose worlds and work because the Chromebook storage has to be cleared regularly. They need to the ability to allow these files to save to OneDrive instead of locally. As we all know, the save process for a backup to OneDrive is very cumbersome - especially for our youngest students, and the versioning history can be very confusing.
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I second the fact that it would be helpful and that and with this, it could fix a few problems that my students have. I have given them a project to work on and some of them end up returning to me and saying that all their project has been lost, when I checked it truly had been lost and that they have to redo the project ending up with the due date having to be extended. Can you please find a way to save it to an open-source area for the students?
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O365 integration -- coming soon? we hope?
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Not all of our students have their own device and use shared computers. Those who do have assigned laptops can have hardware failures. We would love for all worlds (and code, when programming) to be saved to OneDrive automatically so that students don't lose all of their hard work.
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That would be helpful but except more schools have chrome books and laptops so it would be easier to save to google drive
Plus they already have google classroom
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This has been one of the most requested feature for the teachers we're helping, so that they can do or continue building world from Laptop to Mobile Phone.
I hope this would be like a word document online that i can easily share the world with other students or teachers, or eventually will have an option to edit and Explore only mode. Like conducting Virtual Field Trips1 -
Well, I'm sorry to have to disagree with someone here, but I will, gently, say that I disagree with you on parts of what you are saying. I admit that progress can seem slow - you know, run next to a glacier slow - when you want change in an area you feel passionate about. Truthfully, I was in the computer lab in the seventies learning the lessons about backing up my work. It's a hard lesson, but I say it all the time. "If you would cry if it went goodbye, back it up!" (I was rather annoyingly famous on an RPG website for the banner on my signature about making backups =D Seriously. I'm committed!)
However, there are no hard hearts among the Microsoft Minecraft employees with whom I have had the honor to work or speak. These are people who do care about education, kids and bringing an excellent product to our learning environment.Growth and progress takes time, and as we have seen, change requires a lot of coordination. But absolutely no one is lacking care about our kids.
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While having an automatic backup would certainly be helpful (particularly for younger students), I would hope it would be something where the default could be changed and file location mapped elsewhere. Not everyone uses OneDrive of course, and the complexities of deploying a solution like this across multiple OS platforms would be a challenging endeavour and take a great deal of work on the part of the developers.
That said, I like to look at this as an opportunity to discuss and instruct on the importance of backups (per Debbie Alexander), file naming conventions and file management. Most students have almost no knowledge of this, and while some may argue that we don't need it anymore with automatic processes, my 20+ years in IT would say otherwise. On too many occasions I've had to help students recover lost data, because they didn't know where it went, and all their files were named "newdocument(1)".
For those interested, I've created video instructions on how to export worlds on ChromeOS, iPad and PC.
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Hi all, I'm teaching kids in Israel.
Also for us - it will be wonderful if all - worlds + code - are saved for a user, so they'll be available for him/her on every computer she/he signs in from.0 -
A colleague of mine had to reset his iPad, and thus lost his classroom world. Saving to OneDrive, or even better Sharepoint, would save a lot of people from a lot of pain.
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I've made an instruction for this in swedish if someone is interested.
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@johan: that's nice, but I guess you'll have to do this every time you've played? I want my world to be saved and used directly from OneDrive.. 🤔
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Carl Andreas Myrland That would be super, but in the meantime I guess you just have to do it manually.
OR you use a Mac och PC as the hub and set the autosave to your OneDrive. Then the students can just jump in via local LAN. Not a great solution and it has a lot of limitations, but doable,
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I want to make the auto save to my Google Drive folder...
Any ideas how to save the save location.
Last storm I lost my PC... Hard Drive fried... If this was backed up to Drive through File Stream... I would still have all of the classroom worlds. HELP!
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Michael Zeng Still wont fulfill the wish to "save worlds to OneDrive" though...
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Please add the functionality/ability so that users can toggle Automatic world saves to OneDrive. This would be very helpful for teachers, especially when their device is lost/damage and entire classes lose their collaborative worlds.
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That indeed would be very helpful.
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There is a 100% chance this feature request which would solve so many children's tears when a world is lost will be ignored
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As a workaround, a logoff script (in Microsoft Windows Group Policy) could copy the worlds to an alternate location when users log off and then copy back to their AppData when they log on.
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If your students have a dedicated account such as a school email they can use that to login to devices at home.
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If your students have a dedicated account such as a school email they can use that to login to devices at home.
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