Technical Support
Dear Technical Support:
I’m writing to you because I have sat on 36 Minecraft:EE licenses since December that have not been deployed and I’m trying to get much clarification about how best to do just that. I need you to respond in a clear way so that I can respond or send your recommendations to my IT guys so they’ll know the best way I should go about making sure my students (number 160) have access to Minecraft:EE.
Our initial problem was that we were operating OS X on our computers and Minecraft:EE wouldn’t install. Then we found out that JDK runtime needed to be present on the computer before the software was able to be installed. We did that. Then it was running slow. Thinking we needed more memory (even though we had more than the recommended memory) we added more to boost up speed. It didn’t work. Then we were told it was the drive not being solid-state. We purchased one to test if it would solve our problem. It didn’t work. Finally, we installed the Minecraft:EE software in a Windows 10-based environment and it’s currently running fine.
Everything was working fine with students logging into Minecraft:EE, completing assignments using Code Connection and myself getting use to Minecraft for Classroom for establishing world environments for different classrooms, until students were no longer about to log into Minecraft:EE. They had been using their free 10 logons instead of logging into the licenses that were purchased.
The 36 licenses were purchased because I have 34 computers in my room. My original intent was for students (numbering about 160) in each of my classes to have access to Minecraft:EE. These students would switch every 12 weeks in a school year.
I’ve heard/read that each student must have a license attached to their personal email account which must be an Office 365 account instead of a Gmail account in which we’re using. Then it was told to me that you can establish a repository of student Office 365 email accounts and then switch out students when needed to access Minecraft:EE. Then another method was to assign the licenses to computer accounts and any student will have access to Minecraft:EE by setting at their assigned computer stations.
Please explain the proper method that licenses should be deployed to meet the needs of nearly 160 students as well as comply with your regulations.
Thank you.
Gerald Floyd
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