Make NPC's selectable in commands
Moving NPCs around is problematic, and requires actual physical movement at the moment. Being able to /tp @e[Type=NPC; Name=Fred] to teleport the NPC named Fred would enable teachers to make even more interactive narratives in lessons.
Yep, I am searching in the internet how to teleport NPC to create levels of challenges, but, NPC is not a entity yet in MEE. Such a little thing but make a lot of difference.
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Hi Stephen Elford and marcelo saldanha just came across your inquiry.
It is possible to teleport an npc with the following command (bob is just a stand in name, the ~ ~ ~ is your position, but you could change that to anything):
/tp @e[type=minecraft:npc,name=bob] ~ ~ ~
*this only works for NPCs that have been summoned with a command block, at least insofar as I have seen.
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Dan Noble Could you post the command for summoning an NPC via command block? I can't seem to get it to work. Is it the same syntax as a normal / command?
I tried this, but returned an error:
/summon Minecraft:npc ~~~ “” NPCname
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Hi Andrew C,
Sure thing:
/summon minecraft:npc ~ ~ ~ string anne
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I would love to see more options for NPC movement. Something like moving them via code builder (similar to agent), or programming movement loops as a command option, or a switch/setting to make an NPC wander locally (like other mobs).
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