T Flip Flops
I'm building an ALU but my T Flip Flops are inconsistent. I avoided using pistons because of the lack on quasi-connectivity and sticky piston spitting. So I am using 3 droppers and a hopper to move an item around. The dropper receiving the redstone input pushes up to the dropper above which pushes into the hopper which pushes down into the third dropper which sends an output through a comparator.
I have lined up 8 T flip flops with a space between but every third input bits 3 and 4 don't update properly. It looks like they keep pushing the item too far so that it travels from the output dropper to the neutral one (above the input hopper) then from the neutral to the input and then input to output. But tbh it seems a little irregular and sometimes other flip flops mess up too.
Is there any way to build a 1 or 2 wide T Flip Flop that will always be consistent in Education Edition? Does anyone have some advice about this or about what is going wrong with the flip flops I'm making? I have a couple of inverters on each input and a repeater after the comparator for the output.
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