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"unable to connect to world"



  • Official comment

    Mathew Shill

    If you could, can you walk me through what you have tried with the two students? Are they connecting from home? and what type of devices are they using?

  • I was able to join a game that my student was hosting, but they cannot join my world.  Also, I now cannot join any student's world even when other students can.  They are on Chromebooks and I am using a Dell laptop.  I've tried several troubleshooting tips listed above with no luck.

  • John

    I'm having the same issue for the past few days.  I used to be able to have students join, but now, NOTHING!


    I'm pretty frustrated as I have a lot of planned social emotional learning for Special Education Remote Learning, and this was working beautifully

  • Rob Gilson

    This happened a lot in March of 2020 during the beginning of the pandemic. It sorted out over the summer and now we're back to the problem again. Knowing that it sometimes works and sometimes doesn't (did last week in class, doesn't today) makes it seem like the problem is not on the user's end. Nothing has changed with the user, no new editions of the game either.

    Players can see the game they are about to join - they get the confirmation screen showing the host's name - but then they receive the "Unable to Connect to World" message. It would seem the problem is on the hosting side?

  • Sean Creamer

    Ok, I think I found a fix. In ios14 there is a new setting in privacy. It allows Local Network apps to communicate - MEE is one of them. Once this was enabled it allowed my students to join!

  • Tobias Skelton

    Our team have managed to find a solution. At first, we realised it was only students with a BYOD mac that were having troubles.

    Our Infrastructure team dove into it and found that old cached credentials inside keychain are the cause.

    Open keychain access, then toggle "hidden items" from the view tab.

    1. Quit Minecraft Edu
    2. Search for entries with the name "PF_Account_6955F" and "PF_Account_6955F_Key". Delete these.
    3. Finally, search for one more entry named "AD_EDU_USER_HINT" and delete it. Retry joining a world. You may be prompted to login again though.


    Hopefully this helps another ICT wizard out there

  • Penny Support
    Bug Zapper Super Star Beacon of Knowledge Support

    We are noticing some issues when students join a world, then try to join another world.   Here are a couple of things to try:

    • Have each player close out of the game and restart the application. Have joining/hosting a world be the first thing you do after launch and login. Once users have played their own world they must restart to join a multiplayer world
    • Try a new world. NOT one that has been previously saved


    Other troubleshooting steps if players are not able to connect at all:

    • Restart your computer
    • Connect directly to your modem with a network cable

    • Try using a smartphone as a mobile hotspot

    • is a great resource to help troubleshoot issues with multiplayer
  • Mathew Shill

    I'm having the same issue; two students unable to connect to world. Tried multiple things 

  • Sean Creamer

    I'm having the same issues. Two students, on two different worlds. They receive the unable to connect message. I've reset their apps, ipad and world.

  • AdamS

    Sean Creamer

    Thanks for reaching out and sorry to hear your students are having problems connecting. Are they trying to connect from home or in-class? Are they trying to connect in the same world for each other or just trying to log into the game itself?

  • Sean Creamer

    So we are all at school on the same wifi. No other student has issues except these two. They can log in to the app but can't join a hosted game. They can log in to their account from another ipad and join a world. Also, they are trying to join a game that I am hosting. I've asked them to factory reset their ipads...

  • John

    The one thing that's worked for us is to completely exit from the program, log in/start the program again, and join a game.  If a student has been in another world, they cannot connect to a world.  Joining a shared world must be the very first thing you do in the app right after logging in.  BOTH the host and the user must do this.

  • Rob Gilson

    Bryan Sanders (archived) - Yes that has been the workaround we have found success with also. A full restart of all devices involved and then joining the Minecraft world as the first thing post-reboot.

    Hoping the need for that extra legwork gets remedied soon. That process can be disruptive to distance learning sessions, especially for teachers hosting worlds who teach multiple classes back to back. 

  • Penny Support
    Bug Zapper Super Star Beacon of Knowledge Support

    Sean Creamer thanks for the tip!  We'll definitely take note of this in case other players have the same issue.

  • Penny Support
    Bug Zapper Super Star Beacon of Knowledge Support

    Rob Gilson Bryan Sanders (archived) our 1.14.31 release had a fix for the issue that required a re-start before joining a second world.  If you are still seeing this behavior let us know.


    Hello my student cannot connect too. They are with new acounts we have same 1.14.31 version the same problem, They are working from home. Some of them can join others not.

  • Rob Gilson

    Penny Thanks Carrie - yes we just saw the problem this afternoon in our elective. Once I had hosted a world I was no longer able to join other worlds hosted by other students. We had been hoping to pop around and view each other's creations, but with all the restarting that became impossible. Thanks for your diligence on the matter!

  • Jenaira Martinez

    Hello I have been having the same issue with my students. Some are able to connect and others can't. I have never been able to have more than 10 students in my world at one time.

  • Andrew L

    Hi Jenaira Martinez, have you tried the steps Carrie outlined above? If you are connecting from home, I also recommend using this guide to help configure your network: 

  • Mike D'Angelo

    Hi. I’m having this issue with my students. They try to join using the code and it says unable to connect. I am not sure what to do.

  • River Rivera

    Hello, I've been playing education edition for quite some time, and usually every time it says "unable to connect to world" I simply close Minecraft go-to app settings for Education edition and click repair. After just re-launch the app and it should work fine. 

  • Sierra Lane

    I cant join peoples world but that cant stop you from giving up i tried to join and it always says unable to connect to world but i just kept trying and i finally joined

  • Having this issue too. :(

    Sometimes working great, sometimes not connecting at all. This needs fixing if it is to be usable.


  • Some days I can host from my laptop, other days with the same class it won't connect them.  They all reset ipads and I rest laptop and nothing changes.  Sometimes I can export the world and share it with a student, and then they can export it back to me to share with the class.

    Now I am trying to host from my iPad, which works, but once it goes to sleep it disconnects.  So overall this is a disaster!

    The issues are so inconsistent as to make me wonder whether the issues are with MC and MS and the login from Office 365 or some other connection issues.  The fact that it always worked with one class on Virtual School and not another and now is the opposite inside school, makes it difficult to pinpoint the issue further.

    But I am meant to train other depts in using this and if this happens across the school MCE will soon need to be binned as it is not effective as a learning tool.

  • Tutor Master

    We wanted to host a server world today with 20 students of us. We did a test run today, since our project will be next week. And lucky us! It was a disaster. If we didn't test it, the project would have failed.

    Even though we tested it with a smaller group before, many students had issues joining the hosted server and it took over 20 Minutes to gather all students together on the world. Many students already got distracted since they had to wait so long for others to join. I also checked my upload speed, which is 10 MB/s and should be able to host 24 players according to So I am wondering, is it a software bug?

    Very disappointed with the outcome so far. We payed for the licenses and I would not recommend anyone to spend that much money for a software, that is far away from user friendly.

    Hope anyone can help us ! I already read through the links here and tried to set up a static ip adress, but my internet stops working after a certain amount of time.

  • Tutor Master -- bummer!
    Just confirming that you have licenses all within the same @domain.

    After that, do you have any network restrictions? Are you all on the same network? Or are you remotely connecting to each other?

  • Tutor Master

    Thank you Bryan for your response.

    Yes we all have the same @domain. 

    We are on different networks and connecting remotely to each other.

  • Tutor Master

    We worked it out for most of the students. One issue is to have enough upload speed for the host server.

  • Tutor Master

    However, one student can still not connect to my hosted server. 

  • Thank you this really helped.


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