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Host game crashing - Windows 10



  • Kyle M

    Hi Daniel C,

    Thanks for posting. To my knowledge this is not a known Issue. Is it happening with all worlds? Please submit a request if you need further troubleshooting

  • I have the same problem. Students cant join my worlds. 
    I have to hoste from one of my students PC/accounts. Then it works, but i still cant join the world.

    We are all using windows.


    I have a similar problem. I have hosted my Grade 4 class on 3 occasions last week for an average of an hour per session. Friday and then again today, MCEE has been crashing as students join in. I tried to have them join in more slowly and it still crashed. This has happened repeatedly. Restarted computer and did it again.

  • Evan Rutherford

    Daniel, did you get a response re: "Whenever I host a game from any Windows 10 machine at our college the application will quit automatically after an unpredictable amount of time without any error message." as I am having exactly the same issue.


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