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Minecraft Education MakeCode and Arduino Uno



  • Hi Bruno!

    I have an example that is not Arduino, and it’s not Minecraft:EE/Bedrock-based, but it is an example of a Minecraft/physical computing integration from about five years ago.

    The LittleBits’ Cloudbit had a mod for Java-based Minecraft called Bitcraft that allowed you to link Redstone circuits in the Minecraft world with switches/lights in the real world and vice versa.  I haven’t seen any developments since then, but maybe you could find some pointers/ideas by starting there? 

    The original Minecraft PI Editionfor the #RaspberryPi had some python coding hooks way back when it came out. Maybe you can do something with the new python coding options in the M:EE MakeCode editor?

    Best Regards,


  • Kyle M

    Great suggestion Andrew Forgrave, thanks for sharing!


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