Autocorrect is annoying
Please get rid of autocorrect or allow it to be turned off it makes commands so hard to type because I have to go back and edit everything. (please I'm desperate)
Hey Brantley,
Autocorrect is provided by your device, not Minecraft Education. Depending on what platform you are using, you can disable it.
For Windows this can be disabled in settings.
On Windows 11 its under Settings > Time and Language > Autocorrect misspelled words
On Windows 10 its under Settings > Devices > Typing > Autocorrect misspelled words
On MacOS its under Apple menu > System Preferences > Keyboard > Text > Correct spelling automatically
(the exact location of this setting will vary based on MacOS version)
For IOS/IPadOS its under Settings > General > Keyboard > All Keyboards > Auto-Correction.
For ChromeOS its under Settings > Device > Keyboard > Input Settings > Input Method
For Android this is going to depend on your device manufacturer. Refer to their documentation for how to disable autocorrect.
Let us know if you have any additional questions, or concerns!
Happy Holidays!0
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