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Does not let me join multiplayer world



  • Ernie Support

    Hey Ben, 

    Are all you and all your mates on the same version of Minecraft Education?
    Also, are you trying to connect from the school network, or your home networks?
    And could you tell me whether or not your device is using a VPN or proxy?

  • Ben Duffy

    I believe we are all on the same version

    We have tried from the school network as well as hotspots

    I do not believe our devices are using a VPN or proxy

    Thanks Ernie

  • Ernie Support

    Hey Ben,

    Trying to connect with the hotspot is a good step to take, but if you are connected to a VPN/proxy or using separate versions, this will not help, so we need to be certain that isn't the case, so be sure to double check those things.

    What type of device is everyone using?

  • Ben Duffy

    Hi Ernie

    We fixed the problem, turns out my mate's hotspot ran out of data, so it was auto-connecting to school wifi.

    Sorry for the disturbance and have a great day

    Thanks for the help

    From Ben

  • Ernie Support

    Ahh, that'll do it.

    Glad you were able to figure it out.
    Have a good one, Ben.


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