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Custom blocks and entities don't show up in inventory (Blockbench wizards)



  • Dani Noble
    Moderator Beacon of Knowledge Super Star

    When you export the .mcaddon, it's essentially a template that you need to unpack and work with. 

    You need to update the texture files and any other elements you change in blockbench in the separate behaviour and resource pack folders, then when you're finished, you can zip them up and change the file extension to .mcpack on both folder. 

    Another way to go about it would be to select the option to put them in the development folders and work with those (provided your IT people will give you access to them). 

    Lots of blockbench tutorials on YouTube. 

  • Hi Dani, thanks for your reply. I'll look into that.

  • Dani Noble
    Moderator Beacon of Knowledge Super Star

    No problem! 

    I've actually just noted you can export .mcaddon's from the newest version of Blockbench after you've begun the project, so you can save yourself some time there by going to File>Export>Mcaddon and exporting everything you've changed in a tidy mcaddon. 


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