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3D Export STILL broken in 1.20.12



  • Ernie Support

    Hey Joshua,

    What is the make and model of the devices you are using and what percentage of the time does this problem seem to occur to other users.

    I am going to report this to our team, but the more details you can provide, the better.

  • Joshua Bowman

    Windows and MacOS devices, from 11th Gen i5 on desktop PC to 8th Gen i3 on laptop, 2020 Macbook Air to Macbook Pro M1 Pro Max, Windows Store & desktop exe version, the issue has been occurring for years, I've reported it for years, it's exasperating that this has not been fixed through four whole updates.

    It happens 95% of the time I try to export anything.

    Just go to the previous forum post I linked to see the issue, because it's the same.

    But here's an updated example:

    I spent a couple of years writing my own low-poly 3D modelling software, I figured out how to export to GLB/GLTF using vertex and triangle traversal across the models I built, if one guy in his spare time as a teacher can learn how to export 3D cleanly using javascript starting from next to zero understanding about coding, knowing what I know now about this process, this should be an achievable bug to have fixed in the four versions of Edu that have had the issue. If saving the model within Minecraft and duplicating that using code without issue is possible, then it seems clearly due to the attempt to traverse the vertices and face types of the model when converting to GLB. If Minecraft Edu actually allowed for GLTF export I might be able to see what kind of buggy output is being created by Minecraft to skip exporting these faces.


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