Administration of Accounts
I have a question for those with Administrator experience. I need to clean out old/unused accounts from our tenet but I do not want to delete any of them that are actually being USED. I have some students who ONLY use Minecraft Education and not all the other Microsoft stuff. How the heck do I get activity logs that go further back than 30 days?
For instance, if I want to purge any accounts that haven't had any activity in over a year so I can recycle the license to new students who will actually use it.
In the Microsoft Azure active directory Users listing I can actually see the "last sign in time (though I don't seem to be able to download that list.) However, last sign in time doesn't seem to correlate with last use since at the moment I have an account that is on every day hosting worlds and the list is giving me a last sign on date of April 12 for that account.
Does anyone have any Ideas or recommendations on how to track or log any of this?
If the users are licensed for long-term log retention, the Microsoft Purview > Solutions > Audit logs at can go back for more than 30 days. I just checked one of my Minecraft accounts, and I can see events going back to Oct. of 2022.
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Ok so I need to figure out how to change the retention policy?
And then WHAT sort of record do I need to be retaining in order to see the Latest of ANY activity or the Latest Minecraft Education edition Activity.
Since I can tell from the Last sign in time that that does not equate to latest Minecraft Education Edition activity. (My account that I use to host worlds Daily is telling me it's last sign on was over 6 weeks ago.)1 -
Hum, our Tenet is an A3 tenet so it seems like 3 months may be the max retention we can get. And I'm not sure but That might only be a trial?
But does anyone know what sort of report would have anything to do with Minecraft Activity?1 -
I would also try reaching out to Admin Center to see if they have any settings you can use to get this to work.
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Looking at the Audit logs in Purview, it does ingest the “User logged in” events from AAD and tags it with the Application ID (which should match the App ID from the sign-in logs in AAD).
I tested a search, and it did give me all login attempts to Minecraft on our tenant.
Purview > Solutions Audit > New Search
- Define date range (up to 90 days with A3 as I understand it)
- Keyword Search: b36b1432-1a1c-4c82-9b76-24de1cab42f2 (Or the Minecraft Application ID from one of the Azure AAD sign-ins if they are different between us all)
- Record Type: AzureActiveDirectoryStsLogonI hope this helps.
Ethan A. Cooper
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Dominick yes I have a support request in with Admin center but they are trying to pawn me back off on you guys. I told them that Minecraft doesn't do any sort of logging that I can access.
Ethan Cooper Thank you so much. I'll have to check that out but your instructions seem to totally jive with what I think I'm looking for. Let me see if I can get it working!!!____________________________________________________________________________________________
Edit to say.... Hum. Looks like an A3 tenet may not have access to actually do this. Or I don't know how. And the 90 day retention actually now looks more like a 90 day trial of the service.
Wait, maybe I can still search.
So I was able to create a search, but it is just showing me the same sign in logs that Azure active directory shows. Which seems to only be when Minecraft forces you to do an actual sign in and not simply showing when you use it but don't have to enter your password.0 -
So, as a Microsoft 365 For Education A3 account, It seems that Purview > Solutions Audit > New Search is only available for a 3 month trial. And it can only search back 3 months.
But the search I made, Gave me the exact same results as if I had simply go into Azure active directory sign in logs. Which only tells you when some one is forced to enter their username and password into the browser popup window in order to sign in. It doesn't track the automatic sign ins Minecraft Education Edition does for accounts that are set to "stay signed in".
I have posted a feature wishlist request. I noticed that there are other "services/Apps" that have activity tracking in the Admin Center. It would be great to have Activity tracking for Minecraft Education Edition available in the Admin Center. I know it has to be possible since there are services used to allow the software to "sign in" so that has to be tracked on the back end, we just need some way to see it from the account administration end.
And it would also be great if some form of Education Edition Logging were implemented. I spend much of my time trying to deal with disputes and have NO way to see what actually happened in many cases.
Edit to add. I did open a support case here. I also opened a support case over in the Admin center. Here I was told to check with the Admin Center. Over in the admin center they gave me the Link over here.
So apparently there is no monitoring set up that tenet administrators can use to see activity on Minecraft Education beyond just the Hard Sign ins which don't happen every time the software is used.0 -
Ok, yes, I see that Purview Audit Standard is available for A3, but Premium requires A5.
That said, it looks like it mainly affects retention. I'm not sure why it might be a 90-day trial, but I have seen things show up that way and then if you were licensed, that designation goes away.
I had not known how the "stay signed in" feature would affect the logs. That is good to know. And unfortunate. I'd like to see these logging capabilities expanded as you describe.
Ethan A. Cooper
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Ethan Cooper here is the link to the Feature Wishlist post I made on this subject.
I know I have long been lamenting the lack of the ability to Have a "server" with logging for education edition. Even just being able to time stamp student Join/leaving would be a huge Help.
I had not realized that we could not "see" Minecraft Education Activity from the Admin side of things.
The fact that the "stay signed in" feature affects the logs is really frustrating since the software IS still signing in so it should still be visible some how. Being able to check the activity on this could perhaps be very helpful when trying to troubleshoot some students not being able to join worlds etc. All the more so for those of us working completely remotely and with all students using their own devices and parents not always having the time/energy to do much troubleshooting with me.1
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