An unexpected error has occurred while trying to load the notebooks
The full error is shown below:
An unexpected error has occurred while trying to load the notebooks. Try exiting and re-opening. Error Info:Unexpected token '<',"<?xml vers" not valid JSON
How to replicate the issue, follow these steps...
- open Minecraft
- click "Play"
- click "View Library"
- click "Subject Kits"
- click "Computer Science"
- click "Coding with Python"
- click "Python 101-Notebooks"
- scroll down and click "Python 101 Notebooks: Lesson 10"
- click "Create World"
- go "Talk to the CEO" using right mouse click, then close popup
- go to "One Player" pillar, right mouse click black box beneath
- red doorway will open, go through and into the room space
- once inside, press "C" on keyboard to open Code Builder
- attempts to load but fails with the error mentioned above
I had a similar error with block code, but we found a fix, chronicled in this thread. Maybe it will work with Python as well?
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Agreed. Thanks for the details.
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Hi Sarah, appreciate the reply but that link you posted does not work for me.
Would like to see what it suggests and whether the solution could fix my issue.
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Thanks, Sarah Elliott
I will try this step tomorrow:
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I deleted the folder mentioned in the segue thread and then tried again. Although it looks to be doing more, which in reality it is considering I’ve just deleted a required folder, which it happily recreates as required, it does however eventually fail with the same error.
This feels more like it is an issue with the resource itself, or simply cannot connect to a specific repository.
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Anybody have further advice or guidance how to resolve this issue?
Is there an official process for reporting such fundamental software issues to the developers?
Appreciate everyone’s interaction here but this feels more like an issue with the code rather than anything users can do about it.
Many thanks in advance.
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Anyone confirm whether or not they can reproduce the same error message when following the 14 steps I mention in my original post please?
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I did, and agreed, Joe. You may have missed it, above. =]
End of the year rush here, and I have not been able to attempt the fix yet.
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