Programming using Python
I'm in elementary school when I started teaching them Minecraft for an hour of programming using blocks
I used pieces of real cubes and we wanted to install them to get to the desired shape. It was interesting to explain to them the importance of following the steps to get to the pictured shape.
Now I will start programming using Python
. What do you think? What are the ideas that I use as an introduction to the lesson using Python?
You might challenge your students to use the blocks or Python if they can to recreate the shapes you made out of real cubes in the MineCraft world.
A simple example like the one shown below would be a good one to get them started.
You can show the students how to switch between blocks and Python to see how changes in one affect the other:
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Great suggestion, Jason Kries It also points out how intricately we need to tie our coding instruction in Minecraft to an understanding of coordinates in the MC world, and coordinate syntax in code!
Jawaher Binmania glad to hear your students are doing well with visualizing their goals with blocks, It's such good practice in elementary to start with physical objects. Are you planning on using the MakeCode version of Python?
You may enjoy the video, Moving from Block Coding to Python,
It describes how to transition from MakeCode block coding to MakeCode Python, and has lots of tips and suggestions.
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شكرًا لك على اقتراحاتك اللطيفة جدًا وسأعمل
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فكرة رائعة 👍🌹
ويمكنني إهداؤك 3 نصائح :1. إعطاء الطالبات نبذة عامة لغة بايثون لأنها لغة جديدة عليهن ولم تُدرس لهن في المرحلة الابتدائية في مدارسنا.
2. تقديم نصائح وإرشادات عن كيفية الكتابة في محرر الأوامر وطريقة اكتشاف ومعالجة الأخطاء من خلال التطبيق العملي .
3. حفظ عدد من الكلمات الإنجليزية الأساسية المستخدمة في لغة بايثون مع التدرب على كتابتها إملائيا .
نتمنى التوفيق لك وبارك الله في جهودك .
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